We've moved! Go here now for all our new stuff. Since Blogger looks lame. Purely for the lulz, I might do something here since this blog has been around for a long time.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hello manly reader men

Oh, hey dudes, my name is I'm the host of the WMP, a podcast filled with things of the masculine, but not homosexual, persuasion. I'm here to tell you that I'll be writing things for this blog, whilst blowing things up and playing rock music. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and pilot giant robots while punching king kong in the face.


Miss M said...


... But King Kong never meant any harm. D= He destroyed things for love!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! This is becoming manly! WMP is joining forces with AG!

Kind of...

But seriously, your posts on WMP are hilarious.

tissuekins said...

Well, he agreed to make that film with Peter Jackson, so I have to punch him in the face.Love is also a great motivator, for it makes me cry manly, manly tears. My post are not only funny, but quite titillating.


Anonymous said...

Godzilla is superior to King Kong.

Miss M said...

Patrick will defend that.

Anonymous said...

The latest episode of WMP was really manly bro. I nearly fell over laughing when I heard what DJD thought of AG.